Bowen Collinsville Enterprise

Plan on a Page

Bowen Collinsville Enterprise



Our Objective

Foster, promote, facilitate, and support economic and social development in the Bowen Collinsville Enterprise Area.

Our Vision

Making Bowen and Collinsville a region of choice to live, work and play.

Our Purpose

Bowen Collinsville Enterprise Inc. is focused on long term economic benefits for the Bowen and Collinsville communities.


Our Way of Working Together – United

Shared Purpose

Valuable Communication

Strong Relationships

Focus on Vision, aligned strategic priorities, moving forward and strengths.

Open and transparent regular communication.

BCE to contribute experience and knowledge to WRC matters.

Include WRC and/or BCE in conversations related to Objective, Vision, and Purpose.

WRC provides monthly updates to BCE.

Strong relationship with Bowen Tourism and Bowen Chamber

Utilise experience and knowledge within BCE.

Seek to understand the ‘mechanisms’ of WRC.

Prevent duplication between BCE and WRC.

Share opportunities.

Utilise BCE to navigate constraints/limitations.

Ensure continued attendance of WRC CEO.


Our Focus

Bowen Boat Harbour

Front Beach and Foreshore Development

Bowen Pipeline

Development Opportunities – State Development

Whitsunday Paradise











Contribute to media exposure.


Support beautification.


BCE and WRC jointly lobby TMR.


Ascertain from TMR when Master Plan will be finalised.


Support current leaseholders.


Advocate for development.


Develop and provide business case to WRC to consider the development of a ‘precinct’ (including jetty) Master Plan.


Perform economic opportunity analysis re jetty and tourism industry impact.


Ongoing advocacy and lobbying.


Continue advocacy – water, power, other services.


Regular contact with regional stakeholders e.g., BGGA to ensure collaborative approach.


Investigate other opportunities e.g., aquaculture.


Advocacy/engagement with State and Federal Govt re opportunities.


Develop advocacy document to promote BCE project(s) to potential investment agencies.


Ascertain State Dev outcome of Master Plan.

Lobby State Govt.


Advocate for power/water, BP.


Investigate other opportunities with Gilmore.


Network with Farmers for future needs.


Understand long term vision for QBP.


Support hydrogen and other enterprises (recycle, manufacturing, rail transport, defence, fuelling, Iron Horse project.



Next election

Utilise to potentially address housing crisis.


Restart/review current relationship between WRC and developer.


Review possible opportunities – aged care facility, independent living, community housing, specialised private hospital, international school, medical centre.


Investigate infrastructure investment opportunities.



Bowen Collinsville Enterprise