Bowen Collinsville Enterprise

Front Beach and Bowen Jetty

Front Beach – Bowen Jetty – Champion Tony Bale

BCE have been working with NQBP and supporting the Bowen Chamber on a stagey for the Bowen Jetty. NQBP announced that there preferred option for the tug location moving forward was to relocate to Abott Point. This triggered the State Government to announce a $50M funding allocation from the Coal Royalties, to go towards the future of the Bowen Jetty. NQBP have completed comprehensive studies which show the Jetty is in bad shape and the best option would be to build a new fit for purpose jetty incorporating the history from the old jetty. NQBP have engaged a consultant to work with our community in the new year to develop a design which will provide a outcome to all our community going forward.

Bowen Collinsville Enterprise